Monday, August 25, 2008

Goin´ on a Jetplane

Bought my tickets today. Lord willing I´ll be home December 9 after a brief stay in Miami and Nashville.


Jason said...

Isn't it weird to be sort of finalizing some of the nagging details about a life-changing decision? I was packing up stuff the other day and realized in a couple months I'll be in a totally different place. Today some people are coming over to sign an application to live in my house while I'm gone. It's crazy. You ready?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jas Ive marked december 9 on calender in pantry. A lot of people are looking forward to seeing you so its good to have a date to tell them. Ill be sure to have a whale of a pail of ice cream in freezer and some hershys surup by december 9 love dad

Anonymous said...

Also looking forward to sitting at the table and having conversation with you and a cup of coffee. Miss you alot Jason.