or those of you who with puppy dog eyes look several times each day at the calendar on your desk counting down the days, hours, and even minutes until I come home, have no fear: we’ve reached the half-way mark of my sojourn of service in Paraguay. Seven months have already quickly passed since I left, and Lord-willing seven more will pass before I return home to my own and really-beloved United States. Although it’s too early for me to get sentimental about leaving Paraguay, the day of my homecoming approacheth and the time of my teaching here flyeth by.

Thankfully and with many of God’s graces, so far everything has gone well for me. I haven’t missed anything of great import at home, but have gotten to learn a brand new culture and way of life far away from home. Sometimes I really dream about going home and giving huge, long hugs to my family and friends, but other times I realize that I’m living a dream here in Paraguay, too. Be that as it may, I’m confident that God is calling me back to the U.S. this upcoming December. Depending on whether I can work in Ohio or not, I may be there with my family or in DC with my university friends. Lord-willing I’ll return to university to study for a masters degree in some manner of theology in August or September 2009. After that, who knows? Marriage? A job? A vocation? I’ve got a lot to discern. Every day I’m learning that I’ve got to trust in God for everything I am and everything I have; the day-to-day and long-term plans are all in His hands.
I came across this quote while reading a book to my class, and I think it's fitting here.
"It's a scary thing, moving on. Part of me wishes life were more predictable and part of me is excited that it's not." ~ Chris Crutcher
I've recently had this overwhelming sense that everything is out of my control and whatever is meant to happen, will. Oddly enough that realization has brought me a great source of comfort and has made the decision making process easier to handle.
7 more months... :)
hey, jason srry i havent been able to keep up on your blogs.They're so good.The families been so busy. Love Joey
I always stay current with your blogs and enjoy reading your adventures. It makes me think back to my days in Paraguay. If you are missing Ohio, check out the pictures on my blog. Our family keeps you in prayer! It's hard to believe that you are halfway done! Annette
And we definitely miss you so be safe and hurry home to your family.
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